HI..Im here to straiten out a buncha lies with a company that done a great service to the mlm world and added a wonderful selection of products to homes across the country. The name of my company is Neways International and we focus on making affordable products for you and your family in justabout every category. There has been so much complainting about a few of the ingredients found in our products and im hear to set the recoprd striaght. Yes... soribital and sucralose are found in nearly every household product most of us have ever used.. and has been used for a long times. They have not harmed anyone.. made anyone sick or unhealthy in any way... and they are a healthy alternate for sugars and other more unhealthy substances. At Neways.. we help you improve your health and beauty while leaving out a huge list of unhealthy things that are found in many other things. Anyways we make every thing we offer high quality and the best that can done. Scientists make the products and guarantee that they are as close to heal;thy as can be acheeved. Our products are safe from phthalates.. DEAs.. TEAs.. sodium laurels sulfates.. and talcs and are also made to be free of heavy metal... microbes.. and pesticides and we relie on scientists that each of our products are safe in the eyes of the scientific community. Also you will make moneyby selling it and finding more members to get invoklved its a great program. Please join and get involved today.