Paparazzi Accessories » Reviews

WARNING: Before You Even THINK About Paparazzi Accessories, Read This ASAP!

  • Recommend
  • by Melissa Lyde
  • February 27, 2016
  • 1 like
I am a new IBO with Paparazzi Accessories, and I must admit that in the short amount of time I've been on board, my sponsor's given me the tools and support for me to be on track for hitting my income goals over the next 90 days (who wouldn't be excited about that?) =)

While this company's been around since 2011, you'd be surprised to find out that NOW is the time that most of the independent business owners are gaining momentum, something that isn't consistent in the MLM/ affiliate marketing for many...

With a tangible product, awesome compensation plan, and a high-energy culture where the average person can earn money doing what they love to do (e.g. SHOP and TALK ABOUT SHOPPING), I would highly recommend this organization.

For more information about our products and services, or if you'd like to see about one of the fastest-growing companies in fashion accessories, send me a message or connect with me on social media =)

To Your Success,
Great posturing for the average to non-sales person; Friendly environment where people socialize while shopping for accessories for themselves and/or their loved ones; "Launch Parties" make prospecting and follow ups easier than the typical MLM; Opportunity to get paid multiple times in a cycle; Ability to become "Change Agents" to others without the need to compromise your integrity or current financial situation
~ Products and services do not meet the demands of the consumer market (e.g. who'd want to spend less on fashion accessories?)
~Because of the low price of entry, the opportunity to not WORK the business may cause you to simply quit and talk negative about the company
~"Dream stealers" may affect your concept of achieving success, often from family, friends, and other loved ones; but, one of the most common is that co-worker who does not want you to succeed (e.g. this is known as a hater)
~You live under a rock and don't know enough people to ASK to help them with their most pressing needs/wants... or you never seem to find out exactly what it would take to achieve a consistent level of success because you lack a solid PLAN OF ACTION with your sponsor, upline, and team members

In essence, you simply need to understand that whatever you DECIDE, there's an inherent level of risk so simply make the BEST decision based no your needs/ wants RIGHT NOW!

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