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    • April 27, 2020 4:53 PM PDT
    • As your Avon Representative your safety and well being are important to me. Please know that my services will always be available to you during this uncertain time. My website is always up and active and you can order your favorite products there and they will be delivered to your door. I am also still doing door to door delivery with many ways to pay including Cashapp, Venmo and Paypal. Large gatherings may have been canceled but good customer service and respect will always be found here. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to post them here. Thank you for the honor of serving youShop Avon Online 24/7, Get A Variety Of Personal Care Products Like Hand Soap, Shower Gel, Toothpaste, Lotion And MORE Delivered Direct To Your Door. (USA Only)  . #avon #beauty #makeupjunkie 

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      Tina Pittman

    • May 16, 2019 12:23 AM PDT
    • Banyak sekali iklan kesehatan di televisi maupun berbagai media lain yang menekankan pentingnya imunisasi campak pada anak-anak. Hal ini tentu bukan tanpa sebab. Karena campak seperti yang kita ketahui merupakan penyakit yang mudah menyerang pada anak-anak. Penyakit ini terjadi karena adanya infeksi virus sehingga menyebabkan timbulnya ruam-ruam di sekitar tubuh dan sangat menular. Campak bisa ditularkan melalui kontak lendir dari penderita campak atau melalui air liur. Saat penderita campak melakukan bersin atau batuk, akan sangat mungkin bisa memercikkan air liur sehingga orang di sekitarnya ikut tertular.

      Campak bukanlah penyakit yang bisa dianggap remeh. Pada beberapa kasus, penyakit ini jika tidak ditangani sebaik mungkin bisa memunculkan terjadinya komplikasi yang berujung pada kematian. Beberapa gejala yang nampak pada penyakit campak, seperti:

      - Demam.
      - Batuk kering.
      - Nyeri pada tenggorokan.
      - Mengalami pembengkakan pada kelenjar getah bening di leher.
      - Pilek.
      - Mata merah dan berair
      - Terdapat bintik-bintik putih yang di sekelilingnya terdapat warna merah.
      - Muncul ruam kemerah-merahan pada kulit yang terjadi sekitar 3-5 hari.

      Virus campak bisa bertahan di udara maupun pada permukaan benda selama beberapa jam. Sehingga saat penderita campak melakukan bersin, ada kemungkinan virus masih bertahan di udara sekitarnya. Orang-orang yang tidak sengaja menghirup udara ini memiliki kemungkinan untuk terkena penyakit yang sama. Benda-benda yang digunakan oleh penderita campak juga bisa menjadi media penyebaran. Hal ini bisa terjadi jika kita menyentuh benda-benda, seperti handuk, gelas, dlsb milik penderita campak dan kemudian tanpa disadari menempelkan tangan ke sekitar hidung dan mulut.

      Campak biasanya sering menyerang balita, namun ini juga bisa terjadi pada orang dewasa yang belum pernah terkena campak sebelumnya atau belum mendapatkan vaksinasi campak. Pengobatan pada penderita campak biasanya dilakukan dengan cara melakukan rawat jalan. Sementara itu, untuk penderita yang menderita komplikasi serius disarankan untuk melakukan rawat inap. Penanganan yang akan diberikan oleh dokter biasanya bersifat suportif, seperti:

      - Pemberian infus.
      - Pemberian obat sesuai dengan gejala yang timbul, seperti misalnya obat antipirek untuk menangani demam, obat pereda batuk untuk mengatasi gejala batuk, obat anti mual untuk mengatasi mual-mual, dlsb.
      - Pemberian suplementasi vitamin A, khususnya untuk penderita dengan defisiensi vitamin A.

      Seperti yang sudah dibahas sebelumnya, campak merupakan jenis penyakit menular yang disebabkan oleh infeksi virus, dalam hal ini paramyxovirus. Untuk mencegah terjadinya penyakit ini, pada anak-anak sangat disarankan untuk melakukan imunisasi atau vaksinasi MMR. MMR merupakan vaksin yang berguna untuk melindungi dari serangan penyakit campak, rubella (campak Jerman), dan gondongan. Vaksin ini termasuk dalam jenis vaksin yang diwajibkan oleh pemerintah. Sehingga bagi Anda yang memiliki balita jangan pernah melewatkan untuk melakukan imunisasi atu vaksin pada si kecil.

    • September 25, 2018 10:22 PM PDT
    • What’s a good amount of money to save before moving out- tips with movers and packers in Bangalore.

      Moving to a new apartment is a huge step which comes with serious financial situations and responsibilities. However there are many times #Moving with a domestic vendor or unknown #Mover you are not sure of moving costs; why? Just because they don’t follow any standard to calculate for the exact moving expenses they take the charge as per they think and give you nonsense reasons for taking such costs. Packers and Movers Bangalore recommends you highly to always choose the best movers for your move who gives you exact estimation before you move on moving day by taking a visit to home and calculate as per your #Moving and #Shifting need. This is the correct way to charge the moving estimate. But several times we have seen that many times movers force you or try to change your minds to move anyhow and you should- whether you have financial support or not for the future. Although this is not the way to deal with; #Packers and #Movers #Bangalore wants you suggest you that look out for the financial cases- can you afford moving and packing expenses, are you having that much saving which can run well for renting an apartment, can you manage with few months unless you get job or set up business? You need to look out every case where you need to put money after and before #Relocation because it can cause a never- ending stress to your mind and body.

      To have a static income is by far the best to hold the moving expenses as you can easily handle both the before and after situation but you must be aware of savings in advance which may not gives you burden at the end.


      Packers and movers in Bangalore would like to share you the ways to save your static amount:

      • Divide your monthly income in three parts- one part save for your move, the next for the monthly expenditure and the last for the future savings. 
      • Divide your annual income into four parts- follow the same criteria and one for the extra savings might be can need for moving and packing duration or by settling in new city.

      How much money you should save before moving with packers and movers in Bangalore?
      Rent + security costs:
      With some new laws and protocols- every lease or rented deals will be signed with a pre- determined duration or in simple words you can rent a house or get it under a rule which is fixed with the time duration that till this time you cannot change or modify the rent cost nor shift to another house and even nor can live extend to this time. This law has been made for the benefit of owners because several cases were found where the renters do not leave the houses or shops and try to make unauthorized access to other’s property.

      And for this security that you will not dis-follow the laws a particular amount has been taken from you in advance for security purpose which the owner keep by itself and while leaving you can get back. So for this save your money for security and renting costs before moving with us- shared by Movers and Packers Chandigarh Charges.

      Moving and transportation costs:

      But obvious you may have to pay for your move and #Transportation costs and for which you should start saving at extra edges. However moving with Local Packers and Movers Bangalore you are not supposed hire transporter for shipping in our moving and packing quotation this service is already included and overall charges are counted as a package which makes your pockets smiley. Although you can customized this packing and moving quotation according to your needs.

      Contingency fund:

      Moving is an unpredictable moment- even a golden medal mathematician cannot calculate the exact moving figures for you, so calculated by you sounds typically un-trustable. The golden rule is to set a contingency fund and put as much as money you can which will save you for higher moving expenses and unpredictable happenings. Having a bit of extra savings won’t fall you in trouble else this will make your mind in peace.



      source :-

    • May 15, 2018 7:11 PM PDT
    • Memiliki aktifitas yang padat diluar rumah memang menjadikan banyak para masyarakat setempat merasa lebih kesulitan untuk melakukan olahraga. Padahal melakukan olahraga adalah hal utama yang harus diperhatikan dengan baik. Karena selain dari segi makanan dan minuman yang sehat, maka peran dari olahraga pun juga penting dalam menjaga kesehatan tubuh. Ada beberapa tips olahraga sehat yang tidak perlu mengeluarkan banyak uang.

      Hidup sehat tentunya tidak hanya bersumber dari makanan saja, melainkan segala aktifitas yang Anda lakukan pun juga haruslah lebih diperhatikan dengan sebaik mungkin, termasuk mengimbangi aktifitas Anda dengan aktifitas olahraga akan menjadikan tubuh menjadi lebih sehat dan tidak mudah terserang oleh penyakit. Meskipun sudah ada banyak para masyarakat yang menyadari pentingnya melakukan aktifitas olahraga, namun tidak jarang pula banyak para masyarakat yang mengabaikan akan hal ini, dikarenakan malas melakukan olahraga atau bahkan dikarenakan banyaknya aktifitas yang dilakukannya diluar rumah.

      Wajar saja bila semakin banyaknya aktifitas yang dilakukan diluar rumah menjadikan banyak para masyarakat juga tidak menyempatkan diri untuk melakukan olahraga. Berolahraga pun tidak harus menghabiskan banyak waktu serta Anda juga tidak perlu menghabiskan banyak uang Anda untuk berolahraga, karena masih ada jenis olahraga yang lebih menghemat keuangan Anda sekaligus masih bisa Anda lakukan disela-sela kesibukan Anda.

      Berikut ini jenis olahraga yang tidak perlu mengeluarkan uang, yaitu sebagai berikut:

      1. Lari keliling taman.
      Berlari akan mengurangi lemak yang tertimbun dalam tubuh, selain menjadikan tubuh Anda lebih sehat maka berlari maka bagi Anda yang sedang menjalankan program penurunan berat badan sangat tepat melakukan olahraga lari.

      2. Olahraga skipping.
      Meluangkan sedikit waktu kurang lebihnya 10 menit dipagi hari maupun di sore hari juga sangat tepat untuk Anda lakukan agar bisa memiliki tubuh yang sehat.

      3. Zumba dance.
      Melakukan zumba dance juga tepat untuk Anda lakukan dalam menciptakan tubuh yang sehat tanpa mengeluarkan banyak uang. Cara yang dapat Anda lakukan yaitu dengan cara membeli kaset vcd dan melakukannya di rumah Anda sendiri.

      4. Berenang.
      Berenang selain melatih keseimbangan, maka Anda juga dapat untuk menjadikan tubuh Anda aktif dalam bergerak dan memberikan tubuh yang sehat.

      5. Bersepeda.
      Meskipun bersepeda cenderung menghabiskan banyak waktu namun bersepeda tidak akan membuat Anda cepat lelah.

      Diantara kelima jenis olahraga yang ada di atas merupakan jenis olahraga yang mampu memberikan kesehatan pada fisik Anda baik dalam tubuh maupun luar tubuh Anda. Sedangkan tips olahraga sehat dan hemat pun juga dapat Anda dapatkan dari kelima jenis olahraga yang ada di atas dan Anda pun juga dapat untuk melakukannya secara rutin disela-sela waktu luang yang Anda miliki.

    • March 26, 2018 9:33 AM PDT
    • Get paid cash forever for each person you sign up. Plus earn 1% cash back on all transactions.

      Simple program, start today.

    • December 11, 2017 12:09 PM PST
    • Are you Sick and Tired of Struggling with leads in your business?

      The #1 Lead Generation Software is now FREE.

      Build ANY business way FASTER! FREE to join!

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    • November 9, 2017 11:46 AM PST
    • Subject: Green Rush

      Congress in December legalized CBD derived from hemp. The nonintoxicating cannabis compound is being added to just about everything, including makeup, tea, pet treats, coffee and soft drinks — despite the FDA expressly prohibiting companies from adding it to food, beverages and dietary supplements.

      Even though consumers’ interest is surging, many retailers such as Walmart and Target have largely stayed on the sidelines from this trend for now. Walgreens, CVS, Rite Aid and specialty retailers GNC and Vitamin Shoppe have introduced CBD products to stores in a handful of states, while luxury department store chain Barney’s earlier this year opened a “cannabis lifestyle shop” in its Beverly Hills store, called “The High End,” selling exclusive vaporizer pens and pastilles.

      Mall owners, meanwhile, seem to be less risk averse. They were on the hunt for new tenants as a wave of store closures from the likes of Payless Shoe, Gap, Charlotte Russe and Dressbarn is hitting and leaving empty storefronts behind. Traffic has been falling off as more people are shopping online. The hope for Brookfield, Simon and other real estate owners is that these CBD shops will offer a unique experience that consumers seek out and can’t find elsewhere.

      All these buzzes a green rush businesses opportunities for many.

      I will talk about the benefits of CBD in my next writing.

      Have a good day

    • September 12, 2017 12:28 AM PDT
    • Pro MLM Software is a leading MLM software company with proven track record which provides best multi level marketing software solutions for all kind of network marketing companies all around the globe. With our full featured online mlm Software, MLM companies and network marketers can easily manage and run their multi level marketing business more effectively. Pro MLM is the complete suite of tools for administrator, member and buyers to cater the business needs

      We have been successfully integrated and delivered all kinds of mlm compensation plans like Binary mlm plan, Forced matrix mlm plan, Australian plan, Party plan and more. As a part of additional services we also offer consulting services, installation services, design services, customization services and data migration services.

    • July 16, 2017 6:40 AM PDT
    • When you like the $50 to $400/mo savings on your cable TV watching, you can refer the subscription and we pay you $5/Mo/subscription.

      Just imagine , over time, 100 referrals. That is $500/Mo every month even if you never refer another one.

      This can be life changing for you.

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    • May 30, 2017 3:56 PM PDT
    • PowerLine Bonus: Earn 3% Upto 5 Levels Global Powerline No Matter Who Brings Them In!
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    • May 29, 2017 4:05 PM PDT
    • TeamNYC will pay you $500 referral or more: House$, Building$, or vacant land (within NYC).

    • May 25, 2017 7:59 PM PDT
    • ICoinPro Major Announcement ... Huge Launch for the Biggest Bitcoin (Crytocurrency) Education Ever.
      So what is all this rage about Bitcoin and Crytocurrency you say?

    • May 7, 2017 11:02 AM PDT
    • Would you like to earn finder fee, by referring business to our lending network?

    • April 28, 2017 9:58 AM PDT
    • Looking to earn more money for the holidays? Find out how you can start selling Avon and earn over $1,000 in your first 90 days. 

      Buy the things you want, treat your family, work when you want and how you want.

      Empower your life. Start an AVON business for as low as $25. 




      Earn up to 40% Profit                   Become An AVON Representative


    • April 26, 2017 1:58 AM PDT
    • Hi All 

      What if I showed you a line of amazing products that are really easy to sell. Cost $120 for you initial order (around £93) that's 18 packs and would earn you between 100% and 150% in a couple of days. (£177)

      Then you showed it to someone else and you got half of there $120 for introducing them. Thats £46 + £177 = £223.5 profit!

      But what if they thought it was so easy that they bought more, or introduced someone and you got a % of their orders. In fact there are 7 amazing ways to profit from these simple steps!!


      Once you're on board you can order at just $40 at time, make your profit and repeat. No need to recruit anyone (but if you do, then thats extra cash for you!). I have secret facebook groups that I'll invite you too for help and support should you ever want it. Our members all share what's working right now with each other for increasing sales. Some of our team members have already (within 2 or 3 months of starting) quit there day jobs because they are now earning more than their full time wage.  Others are earning good money selling via their Facebook profile... it sells because people talk and share their results and others want the same!!

      These products sell like crazy - take a look at the benefits for yourself, you'll see why!

      If you want any further info or have questions please feel free to ask. 



    • March 11, 2017 9:55 AM PST
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    • February 23, 2017 5:15 PM PST
    • TrafficAdBar Review-Traffic Exchange
      Traffic Ad Bar is a traffic exchange on steroids.
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      As a pro member with Traffic Ad Bar you can add up to 10 of your websites and opportunities to drive traffic to. 
      Join Here

    • February 21, 2017 5:20 PM PST
    • Leads are the life and blood of your business, which is why I would like to introduce you to the very system that has given me over 1,200 targeted free leads to this date. Not to mention, Google and Facebook Tools and more! Get started with checking it out in the link below!

    • February 6, 2017 1:18 AM PST
    • Imagine a distributor friendly compensation plan.


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      All of the common comp plan pitfalls are designed for the company to keep the money you earned! The money from YOUR work belongs to YOU!


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      Here's your chance to contract with the fastest growing fashion house in the World, GWT, the creators of the highly acclaimed luxury brands, FERI, FERI MOSH and POSH. You can choose to make money from Retail sales, Ecomm or Duplication of E-Mall's.

      However, as we are an exclusive closed club, I am taking interviews as we are looking for Entrepreneurs who are:

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      - MUST have access to the INTERNET (No internet - do not apply)

      -    Have a passion for fashion, LOVE to have fun, want to make big cash and look good at the same time.


      If you have experience in direct sales you must be coachable as we do many things completely differently and often opposite, just like GWT's comp plan.

      If you would like to qualify for an Interview, reply with your comment of interest in a PM.


    • November 15, 2016 8:09 PM PST

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      If you are serious about generating new leads for your network marketing business, you should take a look at this online advertising system that we are using:



    • September 8, 2016 3:44 PM PDT


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      In addition to our Make Wealth Real valued services, MWR Life offers a groundbreaking viral business model with a daily pay structure that is taking the direct selling industry by storm. Our home-based business opportunity is designed to help average people achieve greatness in their lives, without the need for inventory, employees and experience. We offer all of the tools, training and support you need to succeed. All that's required is the desire for positive change to start Making Wealth Real in your life!

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    • August 29, 2016 12:45 PM PDT
    • Are you Sick and Tired of Struggling?

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