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    • November 7, 2009 4:43 AM PST
    • BIZ82222

      Well now Jim Ferras and Al Krauza changed company names AGAIN! Now its BIZ82222. I don't understand for the life of me why these idiots are still at it and not locked behind bars. When I think of what they've done to me and my family and lots of other people, makes my heart pound and  sick to my stomach. 

      I hope that people are smart enough to research these dirt bags and read all the negative information on them and LEARN. STAY AS FAR AWAY FROM THESE ANIMALS AS YOU CAN. They'll play sweet and say what you want to hear to get you to hand over some money for THEMSELVES. You won't be building a business for you, you'll be supporting Al and Jim and their spouses.

      Jim will even bring his wife to functions and shes just as fake as he is. They prey on the naive and the ones who really want to make it big in the company. Its all sounds good but you have 2 morons who don't know squat about handling business running this company.

      I've talked to so many people that said they called Al and Jim and the girls in the office to STOP withdrawing from their bank accounts, they didn't want to continue with this company. They always said "Ok, well stop the withdraws" but they didnt. These people had to close their bank accounts and get new ones. Makes me sick! These guys are vacationing and shopping with your money. They don't pay you your commissions, always an excuse or next week. But you'll never see it. So PLEASE don't be fooled by Al, Jim, Jims wife. You'll regret you ever spoke to these bums. And I call them bums because they don't have the bal*s to be honest men. And Jims wife is just as low as he is going along with this scam. Just remember, what comes around goes around. 


    • January 27, 2010 2:57 AM PST
    • BIZ82222

      Sorry to hear about your issues.

      I have been in networking for over 5 yeas now and love it.  Whenever I see posts like this with no details of your personal issues and just random heresay's, really makes me weary of truth.  There is so much non-sense  posted on the web about every MLM owners, uplines without real details or merits that really makes me irk.   

      I truly hope your wrong about these guys.

      All I know is this, I came in for $295 in November 09 and signed up 3 new reps and 1 drycleaner.

      The 3 reps that I sponsored are doing well and got paid more than they ever made with our previous mlm ventures together (including monvia, herbalife and pre-paid).  I actually earned $1400 in past 3 months.  I see my dry cleaner guy once a week and he is very happy with is system. 

      I simply don't see how anyone can get hurt.. I was just notifed that they now lowered the entry fee to $50.  Why would they do that if they are trying to rip anyone off. 

      I never met jim or al personally but heard them on conf calls and i am comfortable with my position and earned income.  Anytime i can turn a $295 into $1400 is good business with happy clients and reps.

      I can tell you this... i lost a tone of money and time with monavie and never made over $200 total in 5 months. 

      So.. i'm game with these guys. 

      Actually, very excited about new lower fees.

      God Bless.


    • January 27, 2010 3:39 AM PST
    • BIZ82222

      Consider yourself warned. Thats all I have to say.

    • January 27, 2010 9:02 AM PST
    • BIZ82222

      I'm always amazed when people choose to ignore the preponderance of negative information and throw down hard earned dollars with people who have seemingly worked quite hard to earn a negative reputation.

      A BBB "F" reputation takes quite a bit of work.

      Al Krauza and Jim Ferras have pissed off so many consumers that all it takes is a simple search of their names to find dozens of people who have lost money and faith in these clowns.

      How do they convince people to continue to deposit their money in new deals, when all that seems to be happening is a shrugging off of prior reps, and a new business name?

    • January 31, 2010 2:31 AM PST
    • BIZ82222

      I agree Mr. is simple to do Your homework and very important as well.

      The key to becoming successful in any MLM is making sure Your MlM stands up to the test.

      Problem being there are so many promises of this and that......It takes being burned to realize that You need to investigate what your getting into....Getting burned equals Success!

      You really don't have to investigate you policies and proceedures when buying a car or house because if they decided to take away your house or car after so many payments then they would lose validity as well as getting put out of business for bad practices and their reputation would precede them in the real world!

      Online is a whole different deal.....We have to start looking at things like past history of the founders, as well as the policies and procedures, so we don't end up building a huge organization only to watch it and Xler8......and yes the P&P's DO MATTER and you can find a company where they are in the distributors BEST interests......Believe it!

      I hear so many big leaders saying ....Oh that's just a part of really doesn't have to be.

      It's just that big time people like to set big time protection in case they ever need to FIRE YOU and take away your check.

    • February 17, 2010 9:27 AM PST
    • BIZ82222

      I absolutely agree.  Getting burned = success.  Read policies and procedures BEFORE you join.  If you cannot access them before you join, DON'T JOIN!!!



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