7 Reasons why Dubli | Why I Joined Dubli

Posted by Jon Patrick
7 Reasons why I chose to align my business with Dubli! Be a Dubli Customer and try it out! http://www.dubli.com?BArefno=6777034 Ready to find out more in more detail about Dubli? Watch these 4 short videos on customer, product, and compensation: http://jonrpatrick.com/work-with-jon/ Hi, My name is Jon, and just a weeks ago I discovered Dubli and was blown away at the product and opportunity. Within days I was a member - and I've got to say it keeps getting better, the more I look. I've NEVER seen a Company as customer focused, large and professional, and as purely LUCRATIVE as Dubli. It'll blow your mind when you take a look at it. So I decided to put together my Top 7 Reasons why I chose to align my business with Dubli. (watch the video for more information, of course!) 1. Product - everyone you know shops, everyone would like cash back, and this aligns with CURRENT BUYING HABITS of shopping online! Offer people 19%+ cash back for shopping they already do - - and you earn a commission as well! 2. No Autoship - the bane of so many distributors, and the first thing to be cut when times get tight. But if times were tight, people would need to save money even MORE! 3. Customer Focus - Dubli's customer to representative ratio? 400:1 This is a truly customer-focused company where you're not only paid on the cash back savings of yourcustomers, but customers are incentivized to share with friends! 4. Business Structure - no more trying to HIDE the fact that your product is from an MLM company. Dubli has built their business by building the customer and Business Associate sides separate. You can share the cash back savings of Dubli with customers without ever having to mention they need to become a "distributor to get it cheaper" 5. Pay Plan - click the "work with Jon" link above and watch the 4 short videos. Other than getting you excited about what Dubli is doing, the last 2 videos are on the Compensation and Rank Advancement in Dubli. Think this is still small-time - you need to watch them again! This is the Big Leagues! 6. Fundraising - perhaps the most powerful part of Dubli's business, you can offer non-profits, churches and brick-and-mortar shops. 7. Team WUKAR (Wake Up, Kick Ass, Repeat) - I've been in companies where my upline went missing, where the Master Distributor put on trainings once in a while... But I chose to align myself with Team WUKAR this time - and it's been amazing! Multiple 5 and 6 figure a month earners, each with their own skill sets, coming together to create a TEAM! It's been refreshing and plans for the future will blow your mind! So now you've got a few choices! 1. Be a Dubli Customer and try it out! http://www.dubli.com?BArefno=6777034 2. Ready to find out more in more detail about Dubli? Watch these 4 short videos on customer, product, and compensation: http://jonrpatrick.com/work-with-jon/ 3. Shut UP Jon! I'm ready to get started and ROCK THIS THING! http://www.dublinetwork.com/Register.aspx?BA=6777034 Feel free to reach out with any questions! JonRPatrick@hotmail.com 7 Reasons why Dubli video: http://youtu.be/HsuOY10efek
Posted October 8, 2014 - Filed in Business Overviews - #DubLi 
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