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  • Matt Thomas It's always a little surprising when I'm in a conversation with someone about a business model or marketing system and they say it's not any good because "most people who join don't make any money." I don't get that line of reasoning. It's as though they think that something is only "good" or "worthwhile" if MOST of the people become wildly successful. That'd be nice... but that's not how human beings operate. Look around: Most people who get married get divorced. Most people who start college drop out. Most people who go to law school do not become successful lawyers. Most people who start medical school do not become successful doctors. Most people who try out for the Olympics don't make the cut. Most people who try out for American Idol never make it to the show. Most people who play baseball don't make it to the major leagues Etc. Does that mean that no one should ever get married? Or go to college? Or shoot for their dreams? Just because "most people" don't succeed? Fact is: most people quit. They don’t fail. They use broken systems that don’t work. They don’t know how to advertise so what little traffic that get are crap leads… and they quit. Simply put. This industry IS insanely profitable.
    December 1, 2013