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  • Michael Wynar Mace Hard Case Pepper Spray A mugger or attacker will have serious problems, when you or your college aged daughter , or anyone for that matter, blasts him in the face, with a Mace self-defense pepper spray ! It does not even matter whether it came from a leatherette case or a hard case, because his face will feel like it’s on fire, and he will be sufficiently distracted as the person escapes, rather than becoming another statistic! In red, black, blue, purple or green, and with a glow-in-the-dark locking safety cap, your Mace pepper spray in the hard outer case , also has a key ring so that you can easily carry it with your keys. That way you will always have it with you, and you will always be prepared. Some folks keep one in the console of each car, and they keep one attached to the handle on the dog leash. You never know when you can be taking Sparky for a walk, and some thug tries to mess with you. To Order Visit:
    September 21, 2015
  • Herbert Flores Do you want to double your Traffic?
    July 26, 2015
  • Ken Zhen Create a new beginning by embracing the freedom we offer to become a better you and experiencing our PURE products, PURE lifestyle, and PURE legacy. Genesis PURE products are unmatched in quality, efficacy, and bioavailability. By implementing these powerful products into the simple and powerful system of “Cleanse, Balance, and Build,” lives are being changed each and every day. This proven technique allows the products to work together; complementing and supporting each other to maximize their effectiveness and bring you the best results possible. IBO Reference Number is US11184469
    May 15, 2015
  • Brenda Gonzalez Words are but the signs of ideas.~ Samuel Johnson
    June 17, 2015