Got news for you!
You're not saving all that much on hotel stays and condo vacations!
The travel booking sites like Hotwire, Priceline, Trivago,, Expedia, etc. are all owned by two large conglomerates!
If you've ever compared prices among si...
Alan WrightSave on your first two months with Solavei! Get your first two months of service for only $39 a month (plus applicable taxes and fees) until October 31st!
Visit my Solavei website to learn about unlimited voice, text and data mobile service on a nationwide 4G network for $49/month â or FREE when you share!
The average mobile phone bill is $71 a month. Some pay less than this, some may pay much more! I'd like to find out in this poll how much people pay on average for their mobile service! For a single line only, please; no family or business plans.
July 24, 2013
Warren Contreras
I am part of the Revolution just like you are and I pay $39 a month for unlimited everything.
The average mobile phone bill is $71 a month. And if you're signed with a major carrier like AT&T or Sprint, chances are you're paying over $100 a month. Just recently I encountered a former AT&T customer (now happily with Solavei) whose bill average...
About Me
Rediscovering this site after about 5 years. I forgot I even had an account.
Anyway, I am a rep for My 20 Dollar Business.
It's a membership site for travelers who want to save up to 75 percent off hotel stays and up to 90 percent off weekly condo vacation stays!
Earn member credits whenever you book, even when booking flights, cruises, or car rentals.
All for the price of a large pizza every month!
Business Interests
Referral and Relationship Marketing. I promote Solavei and Rippln
Anneta Griffee
Just finished the new book by Eric Worre, "GO PRO - How To Become A Network Marketing Professional." EXCELLENT book!!
Manny Rodriguez
See how I get FREE Mobile Service every month.
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