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Last Update: October 2, 2017
Joined: June 12, 2015
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About Me
Can You Really "THINK & GROW RICH"?
I remember a time in my life when, I was so depressed
that it came to the point where I almost committed suicide..
Today, people see me online sharing
my story in hopes of inspiring thousands across the globe
They see me manifesting my dreams, living life on my own terms
and making a living doing the things I'm passionate about
thousands of people now know who I am now.
it's funny, cause ONLY less than a year ago
I was struggling in my life & my business
I was about to get evicted from my apartment
cause I could barely afford my rent..
I was actually thinking about throwing in the towel
and just tapping out..
Today, I want to tell you my RAW UNCUT story
of how I got to where I am today.
I'm going to tell you a few things that
transformed my life completely
for real though...
If I didn't come across these things I would probably
be dead right now and my dreams along with me..
Let me just tell you a bit of my story
so you can understand where I'm coming from
Even though I'm a very social person.. I kept to myself growing up
and spent a lot of time in "my own world"
you might even say I'm an "introvert".. man
I'm always in my own head
But I know that by telling you my real story
even though i still hurts to bring it up,
it will help a lot of people.. and it might just change a life.
there were nights I couldn't sleep because
I didn't know where my next meal was coming from
all I could think about was how shitty
my life was and how much I hated myself for it..
an what was even the point of waking up tomorrow.
when I was growing up..
I always felt like i was "different"
a lot of times people called me "an old soul"
cause I wasn't into a lot of stuff other kids my age were
One of my biggest influences growing up was music
I started doing community service for my high school
hours at a music studio since music was my life back then
Music got my through a lot of hard times in life..
My inspirations growing up were a mixed crowd of people from Bob Marley, John Lennon, Tupac Shakur to Sylvester Stallone, J.F. Kennedy Martin Luther King Jr. Malcolm X, Muhammad Ali, Jesus an many more.
I left home at a really young age
and pretty much grew up in the streets.
It wasn't that I was abused or anyone's victim
I was just hard headed and victim of my own "stinkin thinkin"
I fell into the wrong crowd an ended up dropping
out of high school by the age of 15 years old
at that point.. all I wanted to do was "Get Rich or Die Trying"
I was sick of living below the poverty line & watching my family suffer
I got tired of watching her cry over her