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Member Type: Regular Member
Profile Views: 2,542 views
Friends: 9 friends
Last Update: June 11, 2015
Joined: February 15, 2015
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My Rank is: Member
I earned a total of: 551 points.
Kerry Armstrong
I am a stay at home Mum AND Social Marketer and Business Coach based in
the UK! I love to help people just like others have helped me and I
provide full support to all my team! I would like to offer anyone who is
interested the chance to come and watch... moreI am a stay at home Mum AND Social Marketer and Business Coach based in
the UK! I love to help people just like others have helped me and I
provide full support to all my team! I would like to offer anyone who is
interested the chance to come and watch our CEO LIVE tonight at 9pm GMT
4pm EST! Please take the free tour below and then message me and I will
send you the youtube link for the live opportunity presentation:-) This
company has literally changed my life! It could change yours too! Have a
great day! less
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United Kingdom
Self-Employed / Entrepreneur
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About Me
Hi, my name is Kerry, I am 37 and live in the UK. I am married with 3 children aged 10yrs, 6yrs and 6 months! I spent most of my younger years with the loves of my life…Horses! I was very active and back then I considered myself physically fit. I sometimes worked 60 hours a week with 3 or 4 different jobs at a time just to support the financial cost of my horses! I began to notice changes in my health probably the year before I got married (2001). I didn’t really worry at all about it, even when I had a miscarriage that year that left me really ill, I still just put it down to a bit of bad luck and was sure I would be fine. But things did get worse, much worse. After the wedding I had to give up my job as I was having more sick days than I was working days……Then I finally went to the doctors and had a year of constant tests during 2002. In 2003 I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. At that time my world literally felt like it was falling apart. Things got dramatically worse and in 2004 not long after my first daughter was born I woke up one day virtually unable to move and spent the next 6 months unable to pick her up. I had falls down the stairs, tripped over nothing and spent up to 20 hours a day just sleeping, not from laziness but from blinding fatigue. Doctors did further tests and investigations but nothing, nothing they could do to help. In the end my husband had to give up work and become my carer full time, it was hell, financially for us both and physically for him. I became severely depressed and doctors pumped me full of anti depressant’s, insisting that they were sure I was postnatally depressed from the birth of my first child! They wouldn’t listen to me when I said it was the condition that was depressing me NOT my precious little baby! In 2005 it was suggested I join a condition management group, which I did. This was very beneficial and gave me a chance to meet others with similar conditions. I eventually a year later in 2006 got back to work but it wasn’t without its difficulties. I still had blinding fatigue and horrendous pain all over my body. I still had days where my eyes would go blurry and so I could not drive (bear in mind I was a kitchen sales designer covering the entire south west!). I had days where I just couldn’t eat and that combined with a demanding job where I was out the house from noon to night did not fare my body well at all so I decided that I would have to find a similar job at