I hear you. I joined to get more info through a marketing group. Just got notified they are dropping out.
This is the email ( redacting names ) but is sounds like even as top builders they couldn't get any information from what you call "The Customer Advantage Scam":
We wanted to send you an update regarding the Team Builders. We have been inundated with questions and problems regarding the pending launch of TCA. It has gotten to a point were we are putting in too much time trying to answer questions of which, we do not have all of the answers. We have tried to contact the corporate office to get some answers and have been mostly unsuccessful. We have made suggestions from weekly updates to leadership calls so the team leaders can share the informational updates with their teams. All of our suggestions seem to have fallen on deaf ears. We did receive a response from the corporate office this week to some of our questions. We were not impressed with the answers. We included the latest email response for your review.
Due to inability of the company to communicate with us, we are putting our TCA business on hold. We still firmly believe in the concept of The Customer Advantage but we can't honestly continue to invest or time to the extent that we have over the past month. We have put our lives on hold to build this system and our organization. Throughout this time, we have received limited support from the corporate office. Our issues are with lack of communication and support, lack of corporate updates, planning, and deadlines.
We will leave the Team Builders site up and keep it running. We will not be moderating the forum and we are cancelling our weekly conference call. If you continue to recruit new members to TCA and plan to use the welcome letter, please adjust it with this information.
If you would have questions or problems (or getting questions from your downline), we suggest you contact either support@thecustomeradvantage.com or daniel@thecustomeradvantage.com.
We wish you the best of success with all of your endeavors! We also hope that TCA launches and is hugely successful.
Team Builders
This is the email exchange that seems to have triggered it all:
Sent: Thursday, March 03, 2011 4:59 PM
To: daniel@thecustomeradvantage.com
Subject: follow up to your voice mail
<redacted> and I wanted to get back to you as a follow up to the voicemail that you left for me earlier today. We have put together a significant organization over the past 4 weeks and have really put a lot of time and effort into a duplicable system for our team members. Our drive and efforts were based on the assumption that the company would be launching at the beginning of March in the Seattle area and launching other cities in the near future. This was based on the information shared on the corporate conference call by John. We were very disappointed when you told us the middle or end of March and John said some time in March. When we shared the change of plans from beginning of March to "some time in March", it created seeds of doubt towards the company. We have put our effort into a holding pattern until we get more information.
I am not aware of John or myself making any commitments beyond that there will be test deals run in specific areas in March and growth from there. I apologize for any misrepresentations or confusion.
We have the following questions and concerns (and are getting beat up by our team looking for answers!):
1. There does not appear to be a definitive launch date. Is there a date set as to when the company will launch offers?
I understand that you would love a definitive date. John and I would love that also! The system that is being created is unique and never been done before. TCA is moving forward as quickly and accurately as possible.
2. We do not know what it will take to launch a city. What are the corporate parameters to launch offers in a city? Time frame, number of businesses, and number of members
There are no specific parameters in place at this time re: what will launch a city. TCA will look to member business quality, member saturation, and quality leadership to determine the sequence in which each area of the country and beyond will launch. I am sure clear parameters will be established once a few beta test areas have been completed and TCA is clear what is truly needed.
3. Why is the company working on a video email and video conferencing system when we still don't have a launch date or offers available? We are not interested in these tools at this point. They may be valuable down the line but we are interested in getting the offers launched. The members can not earn commissions till the offers are launched and that is what most people are looking for, not video conferencing tools.
The video email and conferencing system is a tool that a member business has brought forward and TCA is glad to be able to build the opportunity to give this great tool for FREE to the membership. It is in no way distracting from or delaying a launch. The manpower and resources that are organizing this FREE tool are separate from the other TCA teams.
4. There seemed to be some negative postings on the community forum lately that did not include moderator follow up. Then the forum was taken down. Members are curious if the corporate office is hiding this dissension among the ranks? There was a lot of good information on the forum for new members and now it is not available on the forum posted in the back office. Out of the few posts in the "new" forum, there are questions regarding launch dates with no corporate response. It seems like the company is trying to hide something from us.
TCA development is in the process of building a parallel Support and Community Forum site. This is the site that is accessed through the Help Desk in the back office. TCA Support staff was directed to monitoring and response of this new system. The previous Forum was not user or administrator friendly. The new format has more extensive tracking and will provide a better tool for member interaction.
There is nothing being hidden by the “company”. TCA is not able to give a firm launch date until all is complete. Any other statement is speculation. The day that there is a solid launch date we will no longer be in pre-launch!
We have built a large organization and have been in a leadership role to this group of members. We have put our names and integrity on the line. We feel there should be better communication between the team building leaders and the corporate office regarding any company updates or reasons why there is not any updates. We are beyond the hype and fluff, we are sold on the idea. Our team is in need of some facts and solid information.
I agree that TCA corporate can do a better job of communication to the members through leaders like you. That is the reason that I originally reached out to Ken and then you. The input of you and all TCA membership will determine our current and future path to the goal. Feel free to send any questions or concerns that you have and I will do my best to respond timely and clearly.
We hope the corporate conference call will address some of the "issues" for the general membership! Any answers to our questions listed above would be appreciated.
The Reply:
From: Daniel Smith
Date: Fri, Mar 4, 2011 at 9:40 AM
Subject: RE: follow up to your voice mail
Hi <redacted>,
I am sorry to hear of your frustration and I want to be very clear.
TCA is in PRE-LAUNCH. This is a period of time that has great potential for those involved and does require patience. There WILL be glitches and adjustments as this is built. I am glad and excited to work with you and Ken in this process.
See my responses below and feel free to call me if needed.
Thank you for all that each of you has created.
Daniel Smith
The Customer Advantage
Business Processing & Promotion