Personally I don't think any of this is paranoid crap. I am new on this message board and the reason I even found it was through someone else who said go here and read about the dinar. My comment has nothing to do about the dinar though. I think both of you are right. But Travis I have to say that if you think this is all paranoia then you should do a little more research. As for the 9/11 event ... I really think you should dig deeper on this issue. The builders of those twin towers are in groups trying to make it known that there is no way in the world those towers could have fallen when taking in the consideration of where the planes went and the weight .. the materials used to keep the building from collapsing if half the building were damaged in an earthquake. I have only believed in the U.S. all my life. I have to say that over the past ten years I have noticed more and more distressing things to the point where "I am not afraid" I am just ready for anything. There was a tape played by a person a very honest and pain stricken person which said very clearly ... let's bring it down. Since this was at the area where the towers were on the day of the event and the conversation was between very important people, I have to give it some credibility. I will not name any names nor will I suggest anything other than to stop reading from the American Newspapers and go to the little ones out of the country that don't have people hanging over their heads. If you think our government is not corrupt on the highest level ... for your own sake start doing your homework. No President has ever lived that has taken stance against the riches 2% of the people ... there is no government any longer .. I don't know what it is. Even at the President's speech about the New Job item he's trying to get pushed through the house ... the people were swayed away from this topic by a threat that was supposed to have occurred right at that time. Every single time something needs to be squashed, a threat of terror is put out there for all of us to swallow with a glass of water. I have no reason to lie, be paranoid or even write this post other than the fact that there are facts out there you have to find them. If you ever choose to look up and you have to look deep ... about the builder's who have rallied to try and prove the twin towers and the third building could not have crashed like they did you may get sick at your stomach. Those buildings imploded, ALL of them, and as if they were on a demolition list of buildings to go down. Watch the tapes ... the ones we all sat and watch while our guts rolling around our stomachs.
People have been arguing about the grassy knoll for how long? We all thought we would get to hear the real truth after 50 years ... but it can't be told, it will never be told because the corruption of what our government really is would then be opened wide. If we can go to a country and kill thousands of innocent people over a lie about weapons, do you not think things could be done here in our own country? This would be like saying the killers have only the instinct to kill people far away when even our own presidents have to be protected from those who don't have a care of who dies. If you believe in the bible and heaven then death is supposed to take you to a place of peace and happiness. The religious people I know are terrified of death ... I myself believe that we definitely go to a better place but the bible may not be as accurate as everyone wants to believe. If it were then there would be only one church. I have studied them all so if you take a piece here and a piece there you can kind of put together a story that you like and make it a religion I guess. I think if we do good, we help others and we think of ways to make someone's life better then we are doing the best we can in this life. What I also believe is that I don't believe anything that I hear and not even half of what I see ... this just happened it's not like I asked to feel this way but I do and I know my thoughts are my own as well as yours thoughts. If enough people really find out what is going on then maybe things can change. What they teach our children now is a crime to me because it's the way that we are raised to believe these stories that makes it sad.
I also know that at the end of September many rich and governmental people are going away for a vacation, a vacation that they are taking right after the summer vacation, you can see this very clearly online with a quick search. I also know there is an anomaly on the 27th day of September which may cause maybe earthquakes, darkness for a few days I really don't know what will happen it's all speculation but something definitely will be newsworthy. From what I understand many of the people are going to Colorado that are taking these vacations ... if I am correct the bunkers are in Colorado for the higher ups to go to if necessary. If you don't want to believe things that are said then proof them wrong so that we don't have to be concerned. I am concerned not so much for myself but for my kids and their kids ... how can I die knowing what I know? Our basic instinct is to protect our family and I just don't see a way to do that at this time. There are many people who just want to live, not a rich person's life but a life with a car and a home and the ability to pay their bills. But there are rich people out there that only want more money and more power and they have to limit to what they will do to get it.
I watched the documentary about the banks and all the powerful companies that destroyed things for us and how they all knew it and how they all got billions of dollars and how they ALL got OFF without any type of punishment of any kind and then I see that MOST of those people are now in office under Obama. How does this happen? Do they also know too much, do they also need to be around to do the next big thing? I really don't have a clue and if I did search more than I have now I think I would ask to go to the moon it would be a much better environment than what we are living in now. I can just convince myself that what happens happens and put my head in the ground like a lot of others but I don't know how to do that nor do I believe that to be good Karma. To end this ... knowing this is a dinar post, I did buy dinar, my son bought some, not a lot of it and not really to make a quick buck, we have no idea if this will every pan out but with what the economy is here at this time and with all the money we make with nothing to back it up WHAT bigger risk am I taking to buy a dinar from a country that at least has something to back up their money with ... and that's if the U.S. doesn't somehow take over that too. We as a country have never left a country we have invaded or gone to war with or even state we are fighting the war to help the other people ... this is all a joke to think we will ever be entirely out of Iraq. What country have we left that we went to war with? At least the cost of buying Dinar's was a lot less than the cost of buying into all those investment companies that went under one after the other ... who made money from those businesses ??? The people who put them under ... not any of the hard working people who invested their whole life in them. What difference is killing people overseas or in our own country with planes ... or throwing them out in the streets and taking the homes, cars, bank accounts leaving them with nothing absolutely nothing. What about the people who dies in New Orleans, all those needless deaths because of what? Because they weren't rich people, they didn't matter and now with the way the market is each one of us could be homeless in the streets in a second. How would you feel if you were one of those people and NO ONE cared. Watching your family suffer and watching the banks get richer and get our tax money and our food off our tables.
So you think this country is honest and trustworthy ... no, I think there is a lot of proof to show what the people who run this country really are and they aren't always the people you think they are ... they extend way past what we see in our government.
I am still reading history one hard found piece at a time until I find the truth shouldn't you at least try to do this too?