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    • May 25, 2011 9:07 AM PDT
    • Gonna have to agree with you on this one.

      Never met an MLM, not one,  that lived up to it's golden carrot!!  

    • May 25, 2011 8:53 AM PDT
    • wow thanks for that brilliant TCA update! I see that your "chosen" company "Javita Secret Coffee"  has conducted an audit of itself and declared itself not a pyramid and it even claims to have a "unilevel" comp plan 2 x 14 matrix which we really know to be a Binary (the kiss of death comp plan) and even worse its a capped matrix at 14 levels. You sure know how to choose em ace :)~

    • May 25, 2011 8:14 AM PDT
    • Wow! I knew something was wrong with this company. That's why I waited for it to launch. I'm sorry for all of you who vested so much of your time and effort into this company.

    • May 25, 2011 6:27 AM PDT
    • Brokelinkvaark,

      So are you saying that his math isn't accurate?  If not, would you be kind enough to better explain it?

      And, it's okay to use a death to hype and promote?

    • May 25, 2011 5:16 AM PDT
    • Just to clarify Linkvaark etc is/are the upstanding experts we should be listening to? Looks like he/she better be upstanding because he/she is about to lose his/her shirt and probably furniture :)~ Sensational Scam

                                   Posted on 2011/04/26 by URBANE BEAT Scam? – An investigation of, a registered site of, has revealed that this site, which claims to be a “semi-professional networking site”, appears to be nothing more than a sham site slandering and libeling anyone the author seems to have contention with. wants its readers to believe it is affiliated with, but a response from the legal department of to Urbane Beat’s inquiry states that they do not endorse the blog and have no affiliation with the blog or its author whatsoever. In fact, the author of the site, who cowers under the pen name of Pink Panther, is not even a professional on – is this because Pink Panther and are only semi-professional? Apparently, Pink Panther will stop at nothing to dupe his readers into thinking that the information posted on the blog is true and the result of research. In a recent post, the author even provided doctored documents to manipulate his own spin to the story on the blog. When the individual who was being maligned in the posting wrote a dissenting comment with proof of the fraud posted by Pink Panther on, Pink Panther informed the victim that all comments are monitored, and because the comment countered’s post with the truth, the comment would not be allowed to appear. Professionals who were polled about were unimpressed and have scoffed at the viability of this blog and its postings. Professionals unanimously believed to be paramount to the National Enquirer or any other rag tabloid that uses sensationalism instead of real reporting to gain its readers. As a result, the site appears to be under criminal investigation and a class action law suit is being prepared. If you feel you have been maligned by Pink Panther and, and would like to join the class action law suit, simply contact Urbane Beat and we will place you in touch with the Plaintiffs in the class action law suit. At Urbane Beat we take reporting responsibly and seek the truth.

      Urbane Beat

    • May 24, 2011 1:08 AM PDT
    • Hey guys, thanks for the replies and input. In regard to the math, I checked out the link and I can't really argue with it. That was well put together by the way. I think no matter how you look at it, there is a fairly thin line between a good mlm and a pyramid scheme, but a line none the less. I never researched the way The Customer Advantage worked because I spent more of my time trying to figure out what was going on in general (mostly if it was even "real"). I'm the kind of person that has had the benefit of people's trust and respect, even when it was not exactly something I deserved. I was never a con man or anything like that, but I certainly had the opportunity for a second chance, and to become a better person. Since I am grateful to the people throughout my life for doing that, I try to return the favor so to speak. Well, I tried to give John M. the benefit of the doubt, but last night the more I thought about the way in which he placed his dad's death in the place of an obstacle for his business, the more I began to wonder how sincere he was in general. None the less, you never know, his dad could have been awful to him but he is trying to show respect, we don't know.

      The math though; the math doesn't lie. I saw in the Customer Advantage and by default saw something I'd never get involved with, but that's because I'm not wired for most mlms at all, not because I saw a scam. Watchdog has posted some awesome threads on showing where the line is, and he has helped me tremendously in seeing the good from the bad. It may seem like I have been trying to make excuses for John, and I'm truly not. I have no particular interest in TCA one way or another, I just wanted to do what so many people have a hard time doing (myself included): opening the book before judging it. I gave it my best shot, but it just seems like I have to admit when that thick, sulphury smell is hiding a rotten egg, and I pretty much accept that its there. Whether its John himself, I have no idea, but I personally wouldn't lend him any money, and saying that with polite-less honesty, that would say alot about anyone.

    • May 23, 2011 6:13 PM PDT
    • Mr.Linkvaark,

      I looked on your website and notice your homework / due diligence and passion to help innocent people.  Now, with respect to "The Customer Advantage" MATH. I want to THANK YOU for saving me from these scam! The below link explains it all...I mean, to the DETAIL! 

      For those who would like to see the REAL TCA numbers, please CLICK below!!!!! 

      After all, I DO agree using his father death to promote this scam is just..........I have no words to describe this guy! WOW!!!!

      The EMBED from your site is below too!

      <div style="width:425px" id="__ss_8053670"> <strong style="display:block;margin:12px 0 4px"><a href="" title="The Customer Advantage: Magic Numbers or Funny Money?">The Customer Advantage: Magic Numbers or Funny Money?</a></strong> <iframe src="" width="425" height="355" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> <div style="padding:5px 0 12px"> View more <a href="">presentations</a> from <a href="">Linkvaark Fraud Hunter</a> </div> </div>

    • May 23, 2011 5:43 PM PDT
    • Dear Mr. Linkvaark,

      Well, Repspace took ALL my questions out from this site...the reason for that...? Hmmm I imagine John Milanoski complain to the owner of this site and they took all my straight / tough questions for John Milanoski. Perhaps because of my name?...anyways.............I want to THANK YOU for sharing (from your site) the real MATH of John Milanoski and "The Customer Advantage". YOU are my HERO!!!! "Hope" the owner of this site doesn't take this info (from your website, since I copy and paste the EMBED and URL) out and let ALL FOLKS SEE THE REAL NUMBERS OF TCA!!! 

      Wallace, if you need to answer any math questions with respect to TCA....our HERO Mr.Linkvaark did it for us, below is the info / links. Oh boy, I LOVE the way Mr. Linkvaark explain things to all of us! don't you? THANK YOU FOR SAVING MY MONEY!!!!!


      <div style="width:425px" id="__ss_8053670"> <strong style="display:block;margin:12px 0 4px"><a href="" title="The Customer Advantage: Magic Numbers or Funny Money?">The Customer Advantage: Magic Numbers or Funny Money?</a></strong> <iframe src="" width="425" height="355" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> <div style="padding:5px 0 12px"> View more <a href="">presentations</a> from <a href="">Linkvaark Fraud Hunter</a> </div> </div>

    • May 23, 2011 12:37 PM PDT
    • Wallace, I think you are alluding to a mental illness along the lines of Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). Manipulativeness, self-centeredness, inability to relate to others' feelings, pretensions of world-dominating superiority and paranoid imaginings are all standard hallmarks of this disorder. It's very common (despite the APA trying to get it removed from the next edition of the DSM). I may be more sensitized to this behavior than some and more likely to call it out because I have had to deal with so much of it during my life. I was raised by one narcissist, married another (not any more) and went to work for one really full-blown case and some lesser ones.

      That a man would refer to the death of his father as just one more "pile of crap" is unconscionable. The he would use the occasion of his father's demise to expound on how he intends to take over the world is madness. He doesn't mourn his father, only his own failed dreams and ambitions. If he weren't a pernicious pox upon society, I might feel sorry for him as he suffers with this particular pathology.

    • May 23, 2011 8:31 AM PDT
    • But to capitalize on someone's death is disgraceful.  I'm sorry but I have no mercy for this person as I find his long-winded sermon beyond reproach for him as an individual and incredibly tacky timing.  I wouldn't put it past him to recruit at the funeral just as they have already attempted to recruit church members and non-profits.  Talk about coming full circle!!

      Question for Wallace:

      As you seem on the fence regarding this, have you looked at the math?

      And, how do you interpret it?  Do you think the numbers make sense?  Do you think that the person birthing this thing would have considered the math?  Do you find it odd that he never addresses it?

      I'm not bashing you, I am just curious what a seemingly reasonable individual thinks about the numbers?

    • May 23, 2011 3:42 AM PDT
    • Wow......

      Guess that counts for an update...

      Well how do we go from here? It seems we have a guy who is once again; in a place of sympathy, at least in the eye of the beholder. If I can get a good idea on how a con man operates, it is based on two basic things. The ability to BS, and being a good opportunist. I still can't say where John M. falls. I would think that public records are available to somehow show that his father really died. John could very well be a really up front guy, and so I half feel bad that there has to be such potent credibility checks even in the face of lost loved ones. Its also possible that he hasn't been close to his dad in years, and is simply capitalizing on the situation in order to buy some time and sympathy. It is yet also possible that his father really didn't die, though this would be a tough one for even a moderately popular individual on the Internet to pull off.

      Throughout the history of The Customer Advantage, my feelings haven't really changed very much. I continue to get the feeling that John M. isn't a con artist. Mixed up maybe, or not good at what he is trying to do, or the conductor of a symphony that is never ever going to play perhaps. Still however; I just have yet to see a clearly visible con artist. On the other hand, a good con artist is successful because that is the very vibe they are capable of harvesting. So while I realize that many of you are convinced he is pulling the wool over everyone's eyes, I am still stuck in the same spot I started in, because I just don't know what to make of the situation at all. It has now reached new heights in strangeness. I have always tried my best to truly feel for the rest of the world, and be sympathetic, as I am no stranger to tough roads; but I have also told a few lies growing up, and understand the mechanism well enough to know how powerful it can be.

      One thing I have seen in my experience about any kind of manipulative person, is that they tend to be good actors, they tend to be very perceptive, analytical, and sociable. They also have emotional issues deep within that shiny crust. They are extremely verbose, in writing and in person, and tend to add far more detail than is necessary, because they can't help it. Since con artists are such sticklers for detail, and value its place in a good lie, they can't help but include an abundant amount of it in nearly any communication they have. They aren't monsters, in fact, we all have a piece of it inside of us I believe. They are sometimes the cheating husbands, boyfriends, wives, girlfriends and lawyers, but also the appraising auto mechanics, online chat partners and yes; MLM founders (that's not to say any of those entities are compulsive liars or bad people). I have noticed this verbosity with John M. but I don't think that makes him one of them, just something to look at.

      For all I have seen thus far in regard to The Customer Advantage, I am not so much as a hair closer to any kind of definite opinion either way or the other. I have no idea if he is being sincere or not, but no matter what the truth, I am always sorry to hear when someone has lost a loved one, and if it is in fact the truth, I offer my condolences.

    • May 23, 2011 1:38 AM PDT
    • This email came last night from tca john m:

      Last night, I got the call. The call you never want…

      My Father was found dead! It was sudden, unexpected and shocking to me!

      Once again, another challenge thrown in! It was only a few months ago my Grandfather passed. We all get challenges at different times in different ways. For each of us they come in a certain frequency and intensity. We even have phrases like, "Crap comes in piles".

      this email was edited - it was like 20 paragraphs. john has many challenges . . .

    • May 20, 2011 12:44 AM PDT
    • Ehh, I've just about given up on these guys, but I don't hold anything against him/them. It was an idea that crumbled, not a scam or an elaborate plan to run away with your bucks. I have a certain bit of sympathy for failed plans, and you really bever know. The guy may have had something awesome if only the "weather" was right. John M. mentioned a death in the family, and all worldly responsibilities aside, it can be real tough for some people to function as well as others when unders those kinds of conditions. Of course, he could always be lying to, but none of it matters. For whatever reason, this rocket couldn't get off the ground, and it doesn't necessarally signify anything "bad" for me, just an idea that dkidn't work out. Hopefully I'm wrong, but just incase I'm not, I hope anyone who got involed with teambuilding didn't waste too much time, money or effort.

    • May 19, 2011 10:59 AM PDT
    • More bull from John:

      Thanks! Naturally, your commitment and support continue to demonstrate the type of person you are. Here at the home office we have been commenting about the quality, character and integrity of our members, a level of credibility that truly stands out! The continual e-mails of encouragement sent in to our staff are wonderful and very well received. We so appreciate all of you! TCA continues to climb ever closer in completing the herculean task of launching OUR company. We are so pleased to know you get the vision and have decided to create positive change and make a difference by building a company you can be PROUD to say you are a part of! Experts in the business world have told us tha t TCA will likely break all kinds of growth records when we launch, and we plan on being ready!

      As updates will be coming at least weekly if not more often now as we draw close to our launch, we’re going to keep these e-mails shorter than they have been in the past. So, just a few quick updates…

      First, we are working with several media companies to fulfill the company co-op. Co-op participants will be receiving a special update by Tuesday that will fill you in with all you can expect going forward. Hint – New payments and contracts have been made, testing has been completed, and sign-ups are ‘on their way’!

      In preparation for our launch, we will be going to one weekly corpora te webinar per week to bring everyone worldwide into one call. We’re looking forward to the excitement and synergy this will create! Please click on the survey link below and let us know your preference, it would be much appreciated. We will release the new time by e-mail and update the back office later this week.

      An excited TCA member wrote into the TCA blog recently and really seemed to hit the nail on the head with respect to the challenges that our corporate team has been facing as we bring this ‘GIANT’called TCA to the world. If you’d like to read a candid post by this member that we felt upon reading it really sums up where we’re at and what TCA is doing, please click the following link. ... -milanoski

      Last but not least for this update, and especially if you are new or wondered about how many companies we have signed up to offer deals, there’s NO worries there! As you’ve built it, they have come – and faster every day! Many aspects of our online virtual office will continue to be streamlined by the programmers, so stay tuned for updates there as well. Thanks to all those who have mustered through and made our long list of member sponsored businesses that are ready to go!

      Please stay tuned for our next update that will have more exciting news as we begin our final launch countdown! Thanks again,

      TCA Corporate

      All the signs of a crumbling company. No worries there - lol . . .

      I feel sorry for the people wasting time on this dud . . .

    • May 20, 2011 12:55 AM PDT
    • It's funny, with the exception of some of the more heated threads that involve loads of debating etc, this is one of the most active topics I've seen here lol. This really had a ton of hype, and I'm left wondering how anyone that got that much attention had so many problems getting it off the ground. I'm with the people that say this wasn't a scam. A failure sure, but I don't think John Milanoski was trying to rip anyone off. In the time I've been looking at mlms and researching companies, this has got to be one of the most insane disappointments ever. Just type in customer advantage on google and there is activity up the ying yang. At this point, I'm anxious to hear something, anything, activity of any kind from the source. John M. are you still here reading these boards? Lets cut to the crux of the biscuit and start nailing these tough questions man, what is going on?

    • May 20, 2011 1:01 AM PDT
    • Wow, can't argue with that line of questioning, I wouldn't mind some answers either. At this point, I look at The Customer Advantage and I'm starting to wonder if there was any part of it at all that was real? Some type of verification besides a string of websites, and similar to the questions cruisin asked.......

    • May 23, 2011 6:22 PM PDT
    • "The Customer Advantage" MATH. The below link explains it all...I mean, to the DETAIL! 

      For those who would like to see the REAL TCA numbers, please CLICK below!!!!!   You can thank Mr. Linkvaark for that!!!

      After all, I DO agree using his father death to promote this scam is just..........I have no words to describe this guy! WOW!!!!

      "EMBED CODES" below too!

      <div style="width:425px" id="__ss_8053670"> <strong style="display:block;margin:12px 0 4px"><a href="" title="The Customer Advantage: Magic Numbers or Funny Money?">The Customer Advantage: Magic Numbers or Funny Money?</a></strong> <iframe src="" width="425" height="355" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> <div style="padding:5px 0 12px"> View more <a href="">presentations</a> from <a href="">Linkvaark Fraud Hunter</a> </div> </div>

    • May 23, 2011 4:42 AM PDT
    • I believe his Dad died.  My condolences to john and his family.

      However - if my Dad just died, I certainly wouldn't be worried about business.

    • May 23, 2011 3:53 AM PDT
    • Thanks for the update Cruisin, as if the situation couldn't possibly get any weirder lol...I have a basic idea how you feel about TCA, but I want to ask you something specific if you don't mind, because I can't stop pondering it.

      In regard to John Milanoski's father...please tell me which of the multiple choice questions is most likely true.

      John Milanoski's father:

      A) Didn't really die, or died years ago, and John made this up to buy more time.

      B) Died, but John wasn't close to him therefore it is an easy situation to capitalize on.

      C) Really did die, and John really is as upset as he appears.

      D) Other.

      I know there is probably no way to know for sure, but I figure that somewhere on the internet it would be easy to figure out if it really did happen or not, since records should be available via death notices etc.

    • May 23, 2011 1:37 AM PDT
    • This email came last night from tca john m:

      Last night, I got the call. The call you never want…

      My Father was found dead! It was sudden, unexpected and shocking to me!

      Once again, another challenge thrown in! It was only a few months ago my Grandfather passed. We all get challenges at different times in different ways. For each of us they come in a certain frequency and intensity. We even have phrases like, "Crap comes in piles".

      email was edited - it was like 20 paragraphs. john has many challenges . . .

    • May 21, 2011 1:08 AM PDT
    • Have there been any updates anywhere on the Internet about The Customer Advantage? I haven't heard anything at all and I'm starting to wonder if it has officially folded?